Jul 31, 2020 | Tongue-Tie Procedure, Tongue-Tie Tips
Tongue-Tie Tips #1 Hello everyone! I am going to be posting pearls every week to help you identify patients with tongue restrictions, and in the coming weeks will be explaining how we examine, diagnose, and treat these conditions in our office. In our first of this...
Aug 25, 2019 | Tongue-Tie Myths, Tongue-Tie Procedure
Read the first four myths here. Myth #5: “The tongue-tie will stretch, or the child will fall and break it, so it doesn’t need to be treated.” That would be nice if it just stretched out, so we could “wait and see.” Unfortunately, this is not...
Aug 14, 2019 | Latest Research, Tongue-Tie Myths, Tongue-Tie Procedure, Uncategorized
Myth #1: “They will just laser everyone.” First off, we do not use a lightsaber! We use an ultra-precise surgical CO2 laser that looks like a pen and doesn’t even touch the tissue. It removes tissue layer by layer, and allows us to see all the...
Jul 29, 2019 | Tongue Tie Terminology, Tongue-Tie Procedure
What is a full tongue-tie release? Hint: It’s not a clip or a snip! I don’t like the term “clip” or “snip.” Those are four-letter words to me. If I hear a baby or child was clipped or snipped, about 95% of the time it wasn’t enough. Normally a clip or snip...