Dec 1, 2021 | Tongue-Tie Procedure, Tongue-Tie Tips
These are common questions we receive from parents daily. We have many parents who come with their children and are wondering if it’s hereditary or if mom or dad has a tongue-tie. The answer is YES, adults can certainly be affected by a tongue-tie or restricted tongue...
Oct 17, 2021 | Latest Research, Tongue-Tie Myths, Tongue-Tie Tips
These are excellent questions we hear from parents on a daily basis. Many parents are told by providers to “just give him a bottle” and it will solve the issues they are struggling with from the tongue-tie. The problem is, it’s not true. Switching to a bottle takes...
Jul 25, 2021 | Tongue-Tie Myths, Tongue-Tie Tips
These are common questions we get daily and they are definitely important to answer. Because if tongue-ties go away, and mom can just “tough it out” for 6-12 months, some moms would prefer to sacrifice their comfort for their baby, so the baby doesn’t have to get a...
May 7, 2021 | Tongue Tie Terminology, Tongue-Tie Myths, Tongue-Tie Tips
We receive some form of this question daily in our office after parents realize their child has a restricted tongue that is causing the family struggles. It hasn’t been identified previously, or they asked their trusted provider and received no information or even...
Dec 18, 2020 | Tongue-Tie Tips
We were featured in this article about a frustrated mom’s tongue-tie struggles yesterday. (The “female doctor”, is me, they got confused…) Here’s a quick note to dentists and providers. Always listen to mom’s story. She will tell...
Dec 11, 2020 | Tongue-Tie Tips
General Anesthesia (GA) is not needed to treat a tongue-tie in babies (or kids or adults for that matter!) This patient came to us yesterday and told us that their ENT said they would need a barium swallow and would need to have the procedure completed under GA due to...