Tongue- and lip-tie issues can be complex.
We’re here to present the latest thinking on tongue-ties in a clear and easy-to-read format. We hope these thoughts are helpful whether you are a patient, professional, or family member as you learn more on your journey. For more insights, go to
Are Stretches or Exercises Necessary After a Tongue-Tie Release?
We hear patients ask this question commonly, and there may be some confusion about it because some providers say that stretches are not needed, or are...
What’s the Best Tool to Use to Treat a Tongue-Tie?
Let’s go over the different tool types and the pros/cons of each. I hope this is informative for those looking to start performing these procedures, or for...
How Do You Treat a Tongue-Tie Properly?
How To Treat a Tongue-Tie Properly Clearly, there is more to treatment than can fit in one post, but here are the highlights. (To get the full story, we’re...
How Do You Check A Child For a Tongue-Tie Properly?
Last week we discussed how to check an infant for a tongue-tie. Young children are typically more difficult to check for a tongue-tie, but this age group can...
How Do You Check a Baby For a Lip-Tie and Tongue-Tie Properly?
How to Check an Infant for a Lip-Tie and Tongue-Tie Properly Many dentists are asked to evaluate infants for a lip-tie or tongue-tie by concerned parents, but...
What is a “Posterior Tongue-Tie”?
What is a “posterior” tongue-tie? We are taught in school that a tongue-tie is when the tongue is tied down to the tip. This is what pediatricians, dentists,...
What Symptoms Does a Tongue-Tie Cause?
Tongue-Tie Tips #2 This week, we’re going to talk about symptoms a tongue-tie can cause. Did any of you check for restricted tongues on your patients last...
Tongue-Tie Tips #1
Tongue-Tie Tips #1 Hello everyone! I am going to be posting pearls every week to help you identify patients with tongue restrictions, and in the coming weeks...
4 Ways To Tell If Your Child Has A Tongue-Tie And What To Do About It
It seems that everywhere you read online, a tongue-tie seems to be one of the first issues suggested when babies can’t eat or kids can’t speak well. Let’s go...