Tongue- and lip-tie issues can be complex.
We’re here to present the latest thinking on tongue-ties in a clear and easy-to-read format. We hope these thoughts are helpful whether you are a patient, professional, or family member as you learn more on your journey. For more insights, go to
Does a Lip-Tie or Tongue-Tie Affect Bottle-Feeding?
These are excellent questions we hear from parents on a daily basis. Many parents are told by providers to “just give him a bottle” and it will solve the...
Do Tongue-Ties Go Away? Do They Stretch Out?
These are common questions we get daily and they are definitely important to answer. Because if tongue-ties go away, and mom can just “tough it out” for 6-12...
Does Treating a Lip Tie Help Close a Gap in the Teeth? And other common questions.
Is it safe to treat a lip tie early? Does early treatment of a lip tie prevent gap closure? Does it help the gap close? These are common questions in...
“Why Does My Provider (Doctor, Dentist, Therapist) Not Know About Tongue-Ties?”
We receive some form of this question daily in our office after parents realize their child has a restricted tongue that is causing the family struggles. It...
Teen Mom 2 & Tongue-Ties
We were featured in this article about a frustrated mom's tongue-tie struggles yesterday. (The "female doctor", is me, they got confused...) Here's a quick...
General Anesthesia Is Not Needed For a Tongue-Tie Procedure
General Anesthesia (GA) is not needed to treat a tongue-tie in babies (or kids or adults for that matter!) This patient came to us yesterday and told us that...
Is This a Tongue-Tie?
The answer is "It depends..." We get asked this question via email all the time, and it's a common question on Facebook groups, or just in clinical practice....
What is a Buccal Tie or Cheek Tie?
There are seven frena or folds of tissue in the mouth, and four of them are in the cheeks and are referred to as "buccal frena." A frenum is considered a...
Why You Need To Get Patients Back For Follow-Up
Follow up is critical in dentistry and medicine. When treating a patient who is tongue-tied, it’s important to ensure it did not grow back together, important...